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Why Shop Local?

Updated: Oct 10, 2018

There are hundreds of reasons to support local businesses, but I’ve covered the most impactful ones in these five reasons to shop at family owned business:

1. Diversity

Consider your local Starbucks. It doesn’t take long to realize your lactose intolerant friend’s choices are very limited. She can order an americano, some type of tea or a sugar filled drink; while down the road, at your local Wellness Bar, her options include unsweetened hemp milk, almond milk, coconut milk, locally sourced juices and smoothies for any time of day with clean, allergen-friendly ingredients.

Family owned businesses are competitive.

Which is great news for us consumers! We get to enjoy variety and innovation. It’s thoughtful, (delicious) and benefits our economy.

2. Your Economy

Studies have found that local retailers channel about half of every dollar in sales back into the area.

Entrepreneurs like restaurant owners have a predilection for locally sourced produce. They’ll pay extra for fresh ingredients created right down the road. It's not only more flavorful, it's healthier and carries less of an environmental impact.

(Am I convincing you, yet?) Check out this comparison of recirculation for every dollar earned by chain versus independent retailers.

'Indies' circulate resources, attract financing and broadcast great ideas into the heart of our cities; AND they do it with character.

3. Integrity

Entrepreneurs practice what they preach. They're a loyal crowd. They support other local businesses and grow their own to employ more, serve you and cost less. You can’t find them on the golf course or flying first class. They’re behind the counter, on the road, making deliveries and attending local events.

PLUS, local businesses go the extra mile to make sure you have an experience worth recommending and feel valued as a customer. Whatever the business, it’s really a passion, and they’re out to get it right.

4. A Dream

When we shop local, we support big ideas and everyone working to see them come to life, (including their families.) One of my clients dreams is to see conscientious and allergen friendly foods usher in an era of ancient grains. She has gained the support of our community and countless families thankful for the solution her team has provided.

Every time we choose a family-run business, we encourage them to continue to pursue their passion. We give them the means to do so and we do it because we believe in them.

5. Benevolence

In 2014, a retired school teacher and his family poured all of their savings into creating a farm. They grew corn stalks, rows of lettuce, hundreds of pumpkins and raised chickens.

When the fires devastated Kamiah, Idaho a few years ago, he and I gleaned for them whatever was ripe. Without hesitation, we filled our car and drove it out to the local donation hub for disaster relief. He was deeply grateful for the opportunity to help.

Again, a client of mine in the mortgage industry literally gives half of ALL revenue to charity!

According to the buy local coalition, local businesses give on average 250% more to non profit organizations, sports teams and local events than national companies. Family-owned businesses are by nature in service to their community, and the public benefits greatly.

We benefit from their diversity, from their integrity and from their drive to see something great happen.

When we choose and support local, we love our neighbors and they love us back, all of the time.

With thanks,

Renee M Valle

B.A., M.B.A., RYT-200

Certified Business Analyst

Founder, Local Bee

P.S. As a business owner and a board member for a local nonprofit, I seek to connect people, encourage community health and inspire today's youth to rise above consumerism. Let me know if this sounds like yourself. Email me!

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